
technicaly malhunktion

the beach photos aren't uploading properly from the bb. fuck it. i don't have time right now to move things between SD cards and what not. Rehoboth was awesome and typically wallet-breaking Friday night with a serious boat jaunt the next morning - I worked some magic and XXX brought Brian down and we all went out.... this morning there was some Myanmar-esque bullshit going on - HAIL! It was crazeex10e10. Tank is now a welcome guest at the Iguana lounge.

I've got more in me, but after 3 hours of driving back to Philadelphia in serious traffic, now I'm off to the parental units' place in the Poconos, to await delivery of the furniture for my office there. Ugh. I can't believe this is happening At least Kaeti got a place in the city that I can go to on weekends, the lesbians have offered me their downstairs couch, Jawnny and Bri are backup couch, and ... I don't know... But I know more than three consecutive days there at any point will actually kill me. Or I'll kill me. One of the two.


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